Picton Rotary Club : Rotary Club of Picton

Next Event
Event : Community Pantry at St Marks Church Picton
Location : Menangle St West Picton
Date : 14th Feb 2025
Time : 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Picton Rotary Club

Picton Rotary Club

Our club was chartered in October 1966 and was sponsored by the Camden Rotary Club. There were 26 members at that first meeting of Picton Rotary and I am delighted to say that one member, Colin Miller, remains an active Rotarian with us today and a second member, Barry Apps joined the club a few months after Charter and again is still an active Rotarian! We’re made of tough stuff here in Picton and 2024 was our 58-year Charter Anniversary; yes, there is some celebrating to be done!

Over the years Picton Rotary has undertaken or contributed to some interesting projects, such as: sponsoring the formation of Picton Probus Club, re-building of Buxton railway station platform built and also running a community market there, running golf days at Antill Park as a major fundraiser, support for Careflight, working with Wollondilly RFS and funding the setting-up of firezone mapping, support for local historical exhibitions and encouragement for the establishment of the Picton Historical Society, undertaking mock job interviews at Picton High School, giving funds for Longreach drought relief, ongoing support for the Courageous Corey Car, renovation of the summer house and chapel at QV Hospital and running a Mad Hatters Tea Party for residents, support for Clown Doctors in Southern Highlands, support for the local Rainbow Club, helping establish Caring for Wollondilly, Managing the Thirlmere Steam Festival for many years, sponsoring local youngsters in major Rotary youth activities and being part of international youth exchange programs,  sponsoring UTurn the Wheel driver awareness with local high schools and supporting the Macarthur Relay for Life Cancer Council fundraising effort.

If you go to our Projects Page you will see the things we are currently doing – there might be something there that you’d really like to get involved with or just support when we are asking for donations. We are a club that is constantly looking ahead to see what the community needs. We are a club that, over time, helps its members see that, with Rotary, just about anything is possible to build better communities, improve relationships and basically provide help where help is needed. Every year the new Club President endeavours to use their experience and expertise to further the aims of the club. Over the past 50 years Picton Rotary has endeavoured to make a difference for the better in our local community and 50 Club Presidents have strived to help the club do all it can. In this special 57th Year of Charter Picton Rotary recognises and honours the efforts of the following Past Presidents:


Peter Webeck PHF (sadly deceased) 1966/67  Bob Fairley 1990/91 Current member
Evaid Alp (sadly deceased) 1967/68 Terry Lillie PHF (Honorary Member) 1991/92
Robert Lindsay (sadly deceased) 1968/69 Barry Simpson PHF 1993/94
Colin Miller PDGR/MPHF (very much alive! & current member) 1969/70 John Meehan 1994/95
Peter Davies 1970/71 Bob White (Honorary Member) 1995/96
Alan Gosper (sadly deceased) 1971/72 Ted Anderson (Honorary Member) 1997/98
Ray DeSilva 1972/73 Roger Woodward 1998/99
Tony Morrice (Honorary Member) 1973/74 Barry Rolph PHF (Honorary Member) 1999/2000
Greig Turner (sadly deceased) 1974/75 John Colless 2000/01
John Digger (sadly deceased) 1975/76 (part of) Peter Gilbert PHF (sadly deceased) 2001/02
John Ketley also 1975/76 (part of) Roger Croucher PHF 2002/03
Vern Wrightson PHF (sadly deceased) 1976/77 Alan Kent PHF (current member) 2003/04
Alan Bull 1977/78 Gerry Kroon PHF (deceased) 2004/05
Laurie Emmet MPHF (Honorary Member, sadly deceased) 1978/79 Warren Watson PHF  2005/06
Joe Hunt (sadly deceased) 1979/80 Peter McKenzie-Morris PAG/PHF 2006/07
John Barnard 1980/81 Vlad Golowenko PDGR/PHF 2007/08
Ron Campbell (sadly deceased) 1981/82 Robert Wynn PHF 2008/09
Phil Halls 1982/83 David Mylott PHF 2009/10
George Johnson (sadly deceased) 1983/84 Stephen Moon PHF 2010/11
Tom Hodgson (sadly deceased) 1984/85 Ralph Rossteuscher again! MPHF (current member) 2011/12
Justin Hassal (very much alive!) 1985/86 Kyle Chamberlain PHF  2012/13
Ralph Rossteuscher MPHF (current member) 1986/87 Leah Rossteuscher PHF 2013/14
Don Baker 1987/88 Philip Costa again! PHF 2014/15
Aub Bruniges (sadly deceased) 1988/89 Marianne Hillbrink-Watson 2015/16
Barry Apps MPHF (current member) 1989/90 Geoff Cannon AOM 2016/17
   Greg Cartwright 2017/18

# 2018/19 - Shared Presidency Barry Apps, Barry McConville, , Graeme McKay & Greg Dobson

# 2019/20 - Greg Dobson

# 2020/21 - Ruth Smith

# 2021/22 - Mark Hardacre

# 2022/23 - Lyn Davey

# 2023/24 - Terry Lillie

# 2024/25 - Greg Dobson ( Pt) Geoff Cannon ( Pt)

The Rotary Club of Picton is currently administered by a Board comprising: The President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and 2 Directors

 2024/25 District Governors 9675 - ( joint Sue Hayward, Tonia Barnes and Warwick Richardson)



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