President's Pen : Rotary Club of Picton

President's Pen

Introducing President 2024/2025 - Geoff Cannon OAM PHF

I’ve stepped back into the role of Club President because the incoming President for Rotary Year 2024-25, Greg Dobson has had to step down due to business pressures. Greg is a great Rotarian and I miss him not being available right now. The circumstances surrounding all this has highlighted a critical need to re-build membership as without a future team to manage the club the end is nigh. That said we are using the current crisis as a platform for change and two key parts of the changes happening are more enjoyable and effective meetings, and better promotion of the value that Rotary is within our community and beyond.

Picton Rotary is a club of individuals who come together to support our community, generally by fundraising for specific projects; but we can also be part of larger enterprises because Rotary is world-wide. We gain pleasure/satisfaction from doing these things, and doing them as a team - because you get more done that way and its more fun! Picton Rotary has been doing all this for 58 years and has an enviable reputation of altruism and practical commitment in our community; there are a surprisingly large number of people across the Shire who recognise the worth of Rotary and some are prepared to help when asked, because of who we are.

My past is a career in Navy Engineering so I have much knowledge and experience in what effective teams of people can accomplish and, with my lovely Wife Shelley, an understanding of strong family bonds journeying through the ups and downs of life! My time as Club President in 2016/17 was dominated by the flooding of Picton and the need to be a part of a hugely supportive community in times of need. A theme I know well is togetherness in good times and bad, always confident in future possibilities, bolstered by a firm Christian faith. This is Rotary for me – a source of teamwork, action and optimism.    

Picton Rotary has a strong team of supporters – some in local businesses and organisations, some in our Friends of Rotary group. Friends of Rotary are people who believe in the good work Rotary does and wish to support our activities but are not wishing or able to be members of the club. These Friends can’t participate in club decision making and sustain our future but they are an important link with all that goes on in our community and multiply our resources for projects – so if you are reading this for the for time or a re-read then perhaps things are such for you that you might be able to help secure the future of PICTON ROTARY as a member or a Friend; a quick call is all it might take - thank you in anticipation!






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